Sunday, September 11, 2011

Archaeology Work 2011

Archaeology Team In Huamparan. Up: Parag, Lea and Hugo, sitting upper row: Fred and Linn, Francesca, Christopher, Carlotta and Lindsey. Lower row: Carlos, Jhon, Bebel and Fernando
Excavations in Marcajirca-behind a tomb
Excavation in Marcajirca to determin occupation before the tomb was built

Excavations in Marcajirca - usually in open spaces

Excavation in "area" in Huamparán- we work with several units positioned next to each other
Recordering architecture in Huamparan

Drawing architecture

Excavating to identify reoccupation or re-use of walls

Excavating a possible intrusive tomb in the main structure

Archaeological drawing which is afterwards passed to autocad program